@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Welcome! 欢迎!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Welcome to my virtual home. This is a little private space for me to put my thoughts and share my feelings since 2005. Due to my wide range of interests, there are perhaps too many tags. I would explain some of the less obvious tags:

"About Life" is really about how I have been pondering about life and what enlightenments and paradigm shifts I had experienced.

"About Psi" contains most topics about happiness, optimism vs pessimism,
confidence, comparison, pride and prejudice and other psychological aspects.

"About Logical Thinking" is about my own way of interpretating and explaining
certain issues, aiming to debunk (or create?) superficialness of them.

"About Ideology" is about my thoughts on big concepts like freedom, justice,
fairness in society and religion.

"About Society" is more about my observations about the society, often through interactions with different peoples.

"My Country" reveals my frustration, critics and hope
on my homeland - Malaysia.

"My Little Pieces" has more short posts though mostly are written in Mandarin.

While I do have some posts on book reviews and business, I am planning to
separate them into author-specific and content-specific blogs. Stay tuned.

Enjoy your reading!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


IA的生活,从开始的早睡早起到逐渐迟睡早起,只为在总共长达三个小时多的车程里做比观察群众和胡思乱想更有意义的活动:争取睡眠。战战兢兢的Office noob在紧张的工作环境下还是找到了些许游离的空间:Milo,Cloud 9以及第二师傅:来自poly的big brother。幸运地用Matlab的Simulation 度过了Sensitivity Analysis的难关,老板说明天要弄cable,哦,算是比较轻松,今天心情就可以晴朗一点。受big brother的影响,把IA的目标锁定在A,因为这比考试更有说服力。怎样拿A?我想至少要让老板留下一点印象,每天都完成一点东西,不是太过愚蠢的问题都可以去问,并且在汇报时尝试说一些比较technical的东西,错也没关系,让他觉得这人还有点能力、见解和吸收的能耐,久而久之就算他不觉得你能干也不会觉得你愚蠢。我想这应该不算工于心计,我有蛮干的韧力,但还需要一点巧思。我可不想沦为big brother口中所说那位朋友这样,每天OT还拿了B……,白干。当然,如果碰到一位总是忙碌,睬你都没有空的sup,但就只好另找门路了。

by TemplatesForYouTFY
SoSuechtig, Burajiru