@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Welcome! 欢迎!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Welcome to my virtual home. This is a little private space for me to put my thoughts and share my feelings since 2005. Due to my wide range of interests, there are perhaps too many tags. I would explain some of the less obvious tags:

"About Life" is really about how I have been pondering about life and what enlightenments and paradigm shifts I had experienced.

"About Psi" contains most topics about happiness, optimism vs pessimism,
confidence, comparison, pride and prejudice and other psychological aspects.

"About Logical Thinking" is about my own way of interpretating and explaining
certain issues, aiming to debunk (or create?) superficialness of them.

"About Ideology" is about my thoughts on big concepts like freedom, justice,
fairness in society and religion.

"About Society" is more about my observations about the society, often through interactions with different peoples.

"My Country" reveals my frustration, critics and hope
on my homeland - Malaysia.

"My Little Pieces" has more short posts though mostly are written in Mandarin.

While I do have some posts on book reviews and business, I am planning to
separate them into author-specific and content-specific blogs. Stay tuned.

Enjoy your reading!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Two paths

Two paths:

Path A: Lazy to get things done - piling - accumulating - rolling - procrastinating - learn how to avoid - learn how to delegate - learn how to leverage - learn how to bull shit - learn how to smoke -----> Eventually things need to be done are still there. Nothing has been moved, nothing has been solved, nothing has been done. When the bomb explodes either the person dies or his successor dies.

Path B: Want to get things done - trying - pushing - driving - analyzing - moving but slowly - learn how to absorb - learn how to communicate - learn how to collaborate - learn how to co-operate ------> Eventually things get better slowly. Something has been cleared, something has been cleaned, something has been done, but not everything becomes perfect and problems still exist. This makes the room for improvement, building on predecessor's efforts to make things better and better.

In either path, we can never work alone. Those who choose path A and "work" alone, will soon be fired; and those who choose path B and work alone, will soon become tired.

And hence, first thing first, there is a need to ensure no room for players to choose path A and create the abusing downward spiral. Because, when too many people walk path A with too less people doing the real job, the bomb just grows bigger and bigger. When it explodes, all will die.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The irony of guardian

Somehow I feel that those who at least get the basic works done in job, tend to have a deeper hunger to free themselves from the routine chain and seek for something higher. One that defends the castle the most is one that wishes to leave the castle the most. How ironical is that? Maybe I am biased but I have seen quite of number of them.

To a certain extent this looks contradicting. If you don't like what you are doing, why are you still safeguarding the responsibilities? You can learn various skills like "tai-chi" to survive in the workplace.

But in fact, it only becomes truly contradicting if one seeks to free himself for something higher, and yet use dirty tricks (tricks are not necessary dirty) to achieve so. Means and ends must go in one direction.

Of course the "something higher" means values and principles.



偶遇最燦爛的時光 難留片刻
等待最燦爛的日子 不爭朝夕
運有旺滯 氣有盛衰 急緩有數 才是真速度

Sunday, October 25, 2009






The worry of wisdom

Sometimes I wonder if gaining wisdom harms, where too much of ugly truths are just unbearable when the mind is weary. And yet, it is dangerous if ignorance causes wrong negligence at the wrong time. Though chances are low, the cost to pay is deadly when it happens.

Between incessant little bites and immediate killing blow, which one is less suffering?

经验 - 相不相关







在看Tony Buzan关于脑力和记忆的书,对于其帮助众说纷纭,所以不如直接亲阅。正如我的一位朋友说的,很多东西有没有用,是看你希望从东西那里得到什么。而我觉得,能不能从那里得到什么,还要看自己的层次和领悟力。







我明白不是所有人都能实现自己的梦想,而我始终没忘记中学数学补习老师Mr.Hin的致别语:“Do what you like, like what you do",还有我心中的那份坚持:敬业乐业。工作能和兴趣合二为一,当然最好;合不成,也要并行共进,就算速度慢了点,至少也是最佳的平衡。




Friday, October 23, 2009









Thursday, October 22, 2009


I am so close to sleep but yet one email triggers my serene mind to turn on urge to express a ruminating thought that has been in my mind for long.

I want to separate between workaholic and work-sickaholic. I don't know does this term exist but it just strikes my chord. While most of people are sick of long-hour works (not for / against, just a statement), some people are sick. Work makes them sick, real sick.

If those works are like doctors - saving life, teachers - nourishing talents, developers - building things, leaders - bearing responsibilities and so on, I have nothing but due respect for those that devote their precious time in contributing to the society and lifting others up.

If those works are mere routine activities or exercises, of which shallow meaning could be dug out, hands off and get a life! No one is going to read these emails at 11PM, so what on earth sending out at this hour, to exert unnecessary, unwise and meaningless pressure on employees?

I admire workaholic. Perhaps to a certain extent I am, but I draw a very clear line between workaholic and work-sickaholic. I can't despise them as they do work, but I feel awfully unease. Life is short, so time could have been spent on much more meaningful events.

Of course I have nothing to say if that's what they seek. But I term it as sickaholic because I think what drives them are waves of fears from dark vortex. One fine day they will realize they are patients.

Or am I the patient actually?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


智慧来源于敏锐的洞察深刻的思考坚持不懈的努力。魄力来源于思考后的选择和判断,选择和判断之所以果敢是因为思考的深入和信念的坚定。魄力本身就包含了智慧,没有智慧的“魄力”只能是卤莽。情感冷漠意志薄弱的人是不可能拥有智慧和魄力的。- 转载 《雅虎知识堂》

想法:锲而不舍地“观察 - 思考 - 判断“,让整个思维流程一气呵成,“运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外”,多么潇洒。这种魄力,是智力和勇气的完美结晶。情感冷漠的,毅力再盛,也只能有暴君的凶狠;意志薄弱的,善心再大,也只能有弱者的悲哀。这句警戒,太符合我心中所想,巧合地概括了我的现实观察,欣喜。


This is the first time I feel so much importance about vision, a vision that envisages the outlook of events and draws the colourful rainbow in the sky of future. If we do not believe that tomorrow is a sunnier day and future will be brighter, what are we holding on to live? If we do not believe that we can change to become better and brighter, what are we holding on to exist? Hope, could be all that one has.

If, the cruel cold hard harsh environment prohibits growth and dims hope, leave for better future is the only option, though tremendous risks may be just outside the door. If, in the worst case that leaving is not an option, then there are two choices: overthrow evils that are crowning if you are powerful enough, or accumulating power to assist in making such scenario more likely. We might not reap what we sow for long, but at least seeds are planted.

It is a war of vision, as no vision or false vision are what make evils. Taking things when they come or strike, is too late and powerless. The only counter, is vision.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009





I think we often have contradicting needs, like having a little pair of angel vs demon near our ears. That's why we are complicated and none of us is exempted. The only difference is, some are aware of this some are not. For those that are aware, they can minimize (but not eliminate) contradicting themselves and become clearer in their life pursuits. Or, they can house both voices and yet maintain a sweet balance to adapt to ever-changing environment. For those that are not, they can moan about one thing today and grief about another thing tomorrow, without knowing that those two things actually contradict against each other. Or, they can further deceive themselves that they are faultless and develop themselves into a pseudo moralist or hypocrite.

In much simpler term, no pain no gain. We all dream about gain without painting the pain in the picture, and fool dreams about all types of gains and stay scared of all kinds of pains. What a wonderful land! But reality is revolving around yin and yang, without yin there will not be yang, and vice-versa. Just like there will not be any happiness if there is no sadness. The question is, how much more can we minimize sadness and maximize happiness. Some move forward for better future, and some are pushed forward by greater evil of past. A better choice of two fortunes or lesser of two evils? Depends on which way you are more inclined to see it, but I don't think we can have wholesome happiness if we do not have the slightest sense of sadness.

"But hey, why bother so much about this?"

"Oh yeah, you are welcome to stay in your wonderland. It's me that couldn't afford such luxury, or no one grants me such luxury."

You can have the best of each road but you could only choose one to walk. The road that you choose not to continue, and its alongside sceneries that you would miss perhaps forever, are called sacrifices. - C'est la vie.

Monday, October 19, 2009


今天和朋友去West mall的Bali Thai吃饭,却不幸又遇上了服务态度差劲的侍应。又是那种一脸漠然,对什么事都不闻不问的态度。我内心又不禁骂了出来:什么鸟人?什么鬼服务态度?





和店小二、Billy Bombers的服务态度比起来真是天差地远。

Friday, October 16, 2009













Monday, October 12, 2009













Saturday, October 10, 2009

Know more? Think twice.

The more I know the more I have to let go, let go of such thought that, knowing more is the only way to reach destination. When I know more, I am enlightened that the world can revolve by pushing around, I am amazed by how smart some parasites are, and those who walked the path I intend to walk have left such a note: the more you know, the more work you have; the less you know, the less problem you have. Eventually, it boils down to one and only one simple question: why do I want to know more? Does the possession of knowledge genuinely makes me happy, as it has filled my curiosity, or it makes me feel more secured?

Knowing more is not the only way, perhaps not even the fastest or effective way to reach destination, but I get more than just reaching destination. It is not only ends that matter, or matter the most. Eventually, it points to one and only one final question: can I answer my own call of conscience and compassion?

Counting down. Starting up.

I have decided. This move is bold and adventurous in the eyes of most. Deep down my heart, I share the same fear, but I have my own solid reasons. Most elders support my decision, because having been through so many stages in life, they know much better about colours, flavours and scents of life.

Perhaps it is not so wise to make this profound, and I certainly appreciate advices against letting rumours run around, because it will leave me no chance to revert my decision and render me no other options than committing what I say. But this is exactly what I want. Though my reasons are sensible, I may be overrun by fear and fall back to comfort zone. The only way to avoid that is to cut down every possible paths and burn down hopes of alternatives.

I know for sure, that I need to conquer this fear, just like how I conquered the fear of commanding English, the fear of working and so on. It is exactly the same reason why I do not further my studies. I do not like to run away.

And yet, people like to judge according to norm, stereotype or what they think, if what they think is not norm or stereotype. When I started my first job, some colleagues said:"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here." When I started my second job, some colleagues said:"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here." And I know for sure, when I start my third job, some will say:"Why are you here? You shouldn't be here." I am not saying that I dislike constructive advice, but I just want to say that this kind of idiot-proof question exists everywhere. If I should not be at the place wherever I go, who is responsible for my destination if I am to follow any of the advice above? No one.

I seriously dislike the idea of "what kind of people should do what kind of job", and I believe that whichever path we take, we all have different destination.

To me, a lot of things weigh much higher than "technical knowledge".



Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Toughest call

I can have the best of each path, but I could only choose one to walk. Which path should I change to? My choice of change would change my life forever, which interests to take and which interests to leave?

The toughest decision in my life to make.


In every day, we have things to worry, meals to enjoy, fatigues to overcome, surprises to meet and emotions to experience. At the end of the day, what most pleasing is to enjoy serenity in solitude before waltzing into anxiety-free dreamland. Don't carry over unnecessary burdens to tomorrow, don't bring forward unnecessary worries from tomorrow. At the end of the day, we could only live life day by day.














by TemplatesForYouTFY
SoSuechtig, Burajiru