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Welcome to my virtual home. This is a little private space for me to put my thoughts and share my feelings since 2005. Due to my wide range of interests, there are perhaps too many tags. I would explain some of the less obvious tags:

"About Life" is really about how I have been pondering about life and what enlightenments and paradigm shifts I had experienced.

"About Psi" contains most topics about happiness, optimism vs pessimism,
confidence, comparison, pride and prejudice and other psychological aspects.

"About Logical Thinking" is about my own way of interpretating and explaining
certain issues, aiming to debunk (or create?) superficialness of them.

"About Ideology" is about my thoughts on big concepts like freedom, justice,
fairness in society and religion.

"About Society" is more about my observations about the society, often through interactions with different peoples.

"My Country" reveals my frustration, critics and hope
on my homeland - Malaysia.

"My Little Pieces" has more short posts though mostly are written in Mandarin.

While I do have some posts on book reviews and business, I am planning to
separate them into author-specific and content-specific blogs. Stay tuned.

Enjoy your reading!

Saturday, October 1, 2005


还记得去年比完宿舍间辩论赛后那种失落和自责的感觉,不是因为第一圈就被淘汰了,而是因为实在准备不足,发挥得烂,没有整体性,没有团队。抱着这种遗憾,这一次,对自己说了,不管怎么样,不能再重犯。幸好,做到了,至少筹备比赛比去一年认真的多。更好的是,我相信没有一个新生会有像我去年这样的遗憾。尽管准备时间是那么的短促,他们的投入、他们的认真让每一场比赛都精彩。桢琦说的一句话尤其让我留下深刻印象:“虽然比完赛了,但是我还是觉得我们自己的立场没有被你们打乱,我还是相信自己的立场。” 就可见准备相当充足(真没想到他们居然准备到了凌晨四点半,自愧不如)。每一队不管是输的还是赢的,都在某个程度上显示出他们的整体性、他们的配合、他们的合作。
下一站,全情投入完成Technical CommunicationReport。取Report,舍CA。


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