@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Welcome! 欢迎!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

Welcome to my virtual home. This is a little private space for me to put my thoughts and share my feelings since 2005. Due to my wide range of interests, there are perhaps too many tags. I would explain some of the less obvious tags:

"About Life" is really about how I have been pondering about life and what enlightenments and paradigm shifts I had experienced.

"About Psi" contains most topics about happiness, optimism vs pessimism,
confidence, comparison, pride and prejudice and other psychological aspects.

"About Logical Thinking" is about my own way of interpretating and explaining
certain issues, aiming to debunk (or create?) superficialness of them.

"About Ideology" is about my thoughts on big concepts like freedom, justice,
fairness in society and religion.

"About Society" is more about my observations about the society, often through interactions with different peoples.

"My Country" reveals my frustration, critics and hope
on my homeland - Malaysia.

"My Little Pieces" has more short posts though mostly are written in Mandarin.

While I do have some posts on book reviews and business, I am planning to
separate them into author-specific and content-specific blogs. Stay tuned.

Enjoy your reading!

Monday, October 2, 2006

海洋公园 + 烟花表演

其实也不是说海洋公园做出的效果很差,其实灯光、服饰、气氛都是很好的,只是关键在于我给了钱,但我不明白为什么我应该被吓倒,对我来讲是矛盾的。始终觉得恐怖的元素离不开:意外(大声在耳边喊、突然跳到你面前等)和恶心(血、尸体、痛苦等)。如果一开始就知道是鬼屋有什么意外可言呢?全都是假的又有什么恶心呢?说到心惊胆跳的感觉,我觉得那次第一年MSA的ghost walk ("treasure hunt")推开厕所见鬼那一刻最好;因为完全出乎意料之外。
昨天晚上:中国国庆烟花表演。我忘了有多久没看烟花,也记不起其实到底自己有没有看过烟花,真是愚蠢,呵呵。但这样很好,至少看到这一次的烟花表演时很惊讶很愉快。虽然40万人挤在港岛两岸很拥挤,但是为了那一刻(23分钟)天空中的灿烂,闷热的等待是值得的。烟花,真得很好看。我想,没有几个人会讨厌看五颜六色缤纷灿烂的花,但伴随着的烟却把最高的IFC建筑也给遮住了。。。美丽+享受, 似乎逃不开以污染环境为前提。但如果有人倡议为了环保(和经济),从此不应该再放烟花,我想我不会反对的。毕竟烟花再美,也比上日月星辰的美。少一刻人工美,多换几刻自然美,不是很好么?


by TemplatesForYouTFY
SoSuechtig, Burajiru