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Welcome to my virtual home. This is a little private space for me to put my thoughts and share my feelings since 2005. Due to my wide range of interests, there are perhaps too many tags. I would explain some of the less obvious tags:
"About Life" is really about how I have been pondering about life and what enlightenments and paradigm shifts I had experienced.
"About Psi" contains most topics about happiness, optimism vs pessimism,
confidence, comparison, pride and prejudice and other psychological aspects.
"About Logical Thinking" is about my own way of interpretating and explaining
certain issues, aiming to debunk (or create?) superficialness of them.
"About Ideology" is about my thoughts on big concepts like freedom, justice,
fairness in society and religion.
"About Society" is more about my observations about the society, often through interactions with different peoples.
"My Country" reveals my frustration, critics and hope
on my homeland - Malaysia.
"My Little Pieces" has more short posts though mostly are written in Mandarin.
While I do have some posts on book reviews and business, I am planning to
separate them into author-specific and content-specific blogs. Stay tuned.
Enjoy your reading!
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Posted by clim at 3:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: University | 学云彩絮
Posted by clim at 3:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Language | 语文天地
Posted by clim at 2:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Language | 语文天地
Monday, November 27, 2006
Posted by clim at 9:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Life | 寻梦之路, My Little Pieces | 心路文影
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Posted by clim at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Life | 寻梦之路
Saturday, November 18, 2006
社会福利普遍上养成人类的惰性,但竞争过于激烈无视他人利益的制度也会削弱人类的善性……这个问题其实很难找到清晰的答案。但无论如何,过分甚至没有必要的援助其实在制造邪恶。 由此可见,马来人的“拐杖”政策,其实究竟在帮助他们还是在毁灭他们,还存有很大的争议。生下来什么都不缺,明明可以健康成长独立走路,却硬要给个拐杖他走,不是在栽培阿斗是什么?即便再穷也可以获得政府关照,不愁衣食住行,哪里还有为幸福奋斗的动力?读书不行,没关系,保送进大学;能力不行,没关系,保证你受雇佣;再不行,送你块田回乡下耕;马来人积弱,到底是民族的特性还是政策的塑造,不言而喻。
Posted by clim at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Ideology | 理念思考, My Country | 国楼愁雾
但是当小孩长大后,发觉中华文化尽管再博大精深,若自己一头都栽进去总会有局限性。对属于自己的总是充满不切实际的自豪其实正是走向危险的第一步。实际上,尽管自诩保留着传统的“以礼待人”,“韬光养晦”,我也同时坚定地信任“自主独立”、“自由平等” 等西方价值。所以,我的文化认同是什么?中华文明?西方文明?还是……
Posted by clim at 4:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Ideology | 理念思考
复杂的种族课题(1)- 马来西亚华人的生存
这一代的生存方式实际上有点复杂,因为涉及混乱的战前战后时期、到见证独立建国、马新分家;到经济重建和腾飞,土生土长的他们见证了至少大半个世纪的动荡和变迁。虽说建国后华人掌控了主要的经济权,但那主要指少部分的富人,很多华人百姓的生活其实还是很贫困的。一般来说他们由于受教育的机会不多,所以识字不多,但通常能操一口流利的bahasa pasar。
尽管所谓的数据显示马来同胞们仍有很多处于贫穷的困境,但我们仍有很多的抱怨,因为现实的反差一次又一次刺激我们的感想,挑战我们的逻辑。对于依靠经济重建政策获得财富的少数马来同胞,有时不是我们不想敬重他们,而是他们反过来对我们炫耀财富,令人呕吐。政府部门职员开会屡有tea break,食物多不可数,让人摇头。虽然信奉宗教,但是吸毒的、飚车的、颓废的、懒惰的马来青年屡见不鲜。许多不懂经商之道,依靠政府资助开店的马来商家只会把装潢弄得豪华奢侈,只为作那一点生意,令人着实不爽。即便是普通的职员或服务员,手脚特别慢,服务特别差的大多数是马来人,真让人怀疑他们是不是从另一个不同速度的星球来的。可怜那些老板,不得不请他们,又不可以大声斥责他们,真是左右为难。
Posted by clim at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Country | 国楼愁雾
我是马来西亚的华人(Malaysian Chinese),一个最准确的定义,不多也不少。乍看之下,似乎马来西亚代表国家、国籍,华人代表民族;所以我是一个国家认同和民族认同不和谐的人。但在这个牵涉到族群国家的复杂课题下,我选择把一般的国家和民族的概念混搅来说明。启发我的是日前阅读到一篇关于南韩学家写的书的书评。那本书是通过分析统一的德国来探讨南北韩统一的可能和问题。书中谈到由于意识形态的巨大差距,东西德的统一并没有带来预期中乌托邦式的幸福和谐,反而引发一系列复杂的社会问题,导致同是一个民族的后代互相埋怨。更有甚者,有些人干脆以西德人或东德人自居。从这作者得出结论,现在社会悬殊相差正十几倍的南北韩根本没有统一的社会基础。
因此,当“马来西亚”和“华人”这两个概念合起来之后,其外延和内涵都会发生改变,而不仅仅是两个概念的交接处。也因为这个特殊的社会条件,仅仅用地方(马来西亚)或种族(华人)来形容自己是不足够,也反映不出真实情况。就正如马来西亚的粤语有香港人听不懂的looi(duit)、ga ga jau jau ,福建话有台湾人听不懂的suka,马来语有印尼人听不懂的angpau(红包),随着不同文化的交流,我们自身的文化也会产生不同程度的差别。但由于宗教的差异和异族通婚的不太可能,我们依然会保有各自祖辈的文化,而不会成为一个混血民族。
Posted by clim at 1:49 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Ideology | 理念思考, My Country | 国楼愁雾
一个人可以通过幻想和重温自己童年的快乐给内心带来温暖,但不应该对自己的童年依依不舍。所谓“童年是快乐的”,更多的成分是由每次记忆的重温塑造的,而不是自个儿在孩童时期“真实”感受到的。要是一旦把它塑造成 “童年是人生里最快乐的阶段” 就糟了,在还没走完整个人生过程前,就断定不可能寻找到更好更大的快乐,不是在毁灭自己么?
Posted by clim at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Psi | 精神世界
Friday, November 17, 2006
后来和韩国朋友聊天自以为有趣提起这个属于“他们”的节日时,遭到强烈的反应。这哪是什么节日嘛,不过是商家炒作的结果,而且还是从日本传过去的。原来还有胸罩节(11月8日- 把横卧的8放在11下)呢……至此我才懂这些不过是无聊的节日,都是商家宣传的手段。嗯,我记起了在日韩所谓的“白色情人节”也是70年代日本商家炒作的结果,但到现在已没有几个人懂这节日的由来。
Posted by clim at 11:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Society | 世事人情
Posted by clim at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Society | 世事人情
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Posted by clim at 3:29 AM 0 comments
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Friday, November 10, 2006
Posted by clim at 1:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Emotions | 情绪小室
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Professor & Students
II) Every professor would like all students to attend class and tutorials so that they can been "taught" by them. That's reasonable if their teaching skills are good. But students in general would like to have their own freedom to make their choice. To attend lectures, or to watch lecture recording in room, or to study by themselves, or even don't study.
Posted by clim at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Emotions | 情绪小室, University | 学云彩絮
Conflicts solved?
Dear Choon Lim, The test is only 40 minutes. Basically, it is about the same as one question in the final examination. The topics covered in test 2 include Dear Prof, I feel nothing after sending this email. I just want to convey my message clearly about the format of quiz and I wouldn't have expected any changes. But other requests from classmates had somehow finally changed something. There maybe another quiz for those who want to take it and prove themselves. Conflict solved? I think it is solved since both sides can accept the suggestion. I think neither side were right nor wrong, because it's conflict of interests. But does this show the importance of voice out, communication & compromise? :)
1. circular convolution
2. implementation of linear convolution by circular convolution
3. DFT matrix
4. Forward transform as dot product between basic vector and signal vector
These are the topics that we covered in recent 3 weeks.
The first time I taught random processes was almost twenty years ago. I started teaching DSP about ten years ago. I fully understand that both random processes and DSP are difficult. One professor equates DSP to quantum mechanics on the depth of the subjectc. On the other hand, they are the keystones of many other subjects like communications.
The major difficulty is that they are abstract. Also, some time, students do not know why the subjects are important and so they lose
motivation to learn.This difficulty is being tackled by using examples and relating the theory to objects in real life like archery, telephone lines and TV reception.
Another problem is that a student will have great difficulty at the later part of the course if he/she does not have a good understanding of the concept taught at the begining. In fact, students will have problem if they do not have a good understanding of signal and systems or they have not taken erg2030.
That is why I always stay behind after classes to answer students' questions. Also, Lawrence's revision should be useful. I heard good
comments about his tutorials.
For the last 5 years, my effort toward this course has never stopped and the effort is devoted to making this course easier to understand instead of making it more advanced.
On the other hand, I need your cooporation. Talk to me after the lectures if you have problems. Some did and I am sure they are all happy and have their problems solved.
It's weird as I was only focus on the quiz and didn't attack on him personally but he replied in so many lines to defend himselves. Well, it's good to enhances my understanding about his qualification and perseverance, and about the background of DSP. But I think he misunderstood some of my points and shifted away from the topic: quiz. Communication gap huh?
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your efforts in past years to try to make this subject easy to understand and clear. Personally, I think your lecture notes are well-written and organized. However, I still feel that the scope of the tests should be defined clearer. Since there are two tests, i think it's good to separate one test for one major part of the course. (e.g. First quiz for random processes, second quiz for DSP) instead of stating "lecture notes covered up to what date...".
I suppose the logic of revision of some of the students (like me) goes like this: In the first quiz, only definitons of random processes are tested. Means, variance, autocorrelation & autocovariance, 2-D joint density function & 2-D joint distribution function are not tested. Hence, we would expect some part of these come out in the exam, since it's included in "materials covered up to last lecture". If there are 20-30% of the quiz is allocated for these topics, I think all of us would have no complaint at all.
And if the purpose of the test is to test "purely on" whether student have good understanding about DFT, convolution e.t.c, I think it's
better to inform all of us that the scope is from DSP's part materials. Of course there are some students solved it happily during the exam because they have prepared for that part. But that doesn't justify that these quizzes are "fair" in my opinion. A better quiz would be either of wider scope or clearer scope. I understand students and professor have different point of view and interests, but I sincerely hope you can understand where our frustation comes from.
Thank you very much.
Choon Lim.
Posted by clim at 8:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Emotions | 情绪小室, University | 学云彩絮
Student's Response
I feel frustrated after finishing today's test2.
- the questions b,c are quite similar, but it already counts 60% of the test.
- none of the tutorial cover the content of the test.
- the examples in lecture notes are not sufficient.
- the difficulty and format are too different with test1.
I don't think it made a fair assessment on students' effort. Therefore, I suggest that this 20% test should be slightly adjusted to 10 -
15%. Thankyou very much for your kind attention.
students' abilities.
It's hard to get a good result no matter how much time you spend....
- Lect, tuto notes and ass solutions are posted late.
- Quizzes are making fool of us, and never reflect students' efforts.
- Assignments are so poorly designed that it hardly helps us to understand the most basic concepts, but to frustrate us and make us lose
- Newsgroup is left deserted. Students attend class just for the damned pop quizzes.
- The professor is always making fun of us: "It is very easy, right?" He thinks these words can make us relaxed, or boost our
- The lecture makes no sense. It just makes the simplest things in the world extremely complicated to show off his knowledge, to build
Let it go and the world is beautiful.
I agree with the Quizzes are not the most effective way to evaulate our knowledge on this course after taking 2 tests.
The marks of these two tests do not really reflect our ability.
We may get high mark when we fulfil either conditions
1)very very well-prepared
2)very lucky
3)always study the last chapter of the note for test
I do not think we only learnt DFT or definition of random process only in 3410.This two quizzes really "天堂與地獄", really "random".
If we study hard autocorrelation these chapters in second quiz, we still fail in the test, but the material studyed is also the core part of the
以上只是身為一個學生的小小見意,亦可當作course's evaluation comment.
Thanks for consideration.
I have something to say as well. I think quiz generally shouldn't be set like this. It shouldn't include only one topic but should include few topics in all previous lectures. If this "style" is going to be continued, it would only encourage student to spot topic (latest one) instead of revising most of the topics. This quiz is not reflecting the knowledge of students, nor strengthening the understanding of students. It is destroying the self-esteem of student and driving them into the fear of failing this subject.
You could say that these are just irrational responses from a despair student, and I admit I did extremely poor on both quizzes. But this is really what I feel after 3 days of hardwork, revising on all previous materials up to random processes. I think I am stupid not to cover up all
materials but I think it's ridiculous none of the these parts are tested in a "test". I feel shocked!
I acknowledge that professor has the right to set the question paper in any style, but I guess most of us don't like this style. It's not that the question is extremely difficult and beyond our comprehension. If the topic (DFT) is told prior to exam, I think all of us can do it. If the scope is not specified, then by common sense the quiz shouldn't only include DFT. Same goes to the first quiz. I don't think the mean of around 30 marks really reflects the standard of student.
Of course nothing could be done now, but I would really hope professor and tutors take some time to think about our responses. After all, we are just students.
Choon Lim.
Posted by clim at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Emotions | 情绪小室, University | 学云彩絮
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Posted by clim at 1:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Emotions | 情绪小室, University | 学云彩絮
Sunday, November 5, 2006
Posted by clim at 11:41 AM 0 comments
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Posted by clim at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Trips | 逍遥游踪