@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Welcome! 欢迎!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Welcome to my virtual home. This is a little private space for me to put my thoughts and share my feelings since 2005. Due to my wide range of interests, there are perhaps too many tags. I would explain some of the less obvious tags:
"About Life" is really about how I have been pondering about life and what enlightenments and paradigm shifts I had experienced.
"About Psi" contains most topics about happiness, optimism vs pessimism,
confidence, comparison, pride and prejudice and other psychological aspects.
"About Logical Thinking" is about my own way of interpretating and explaining
certain issues, aiming to debunk (or create?) superficialness of them.
"About Ideology" is about my thoughts on big concepts like freedom, justice,
fairness in society and religion.
"About Society" is more about my observations about the society, often through interactions with different peoples.
"My Country" reveals my frustration, critics and hope
on my homeland - Malaysia.
"My Little Pieces" has more short posts though mostly are written in Mandarin.
While I do have some posts on book reviews and business, I am planning to
separate them into author-specific and content-specific blogs. Stay tuned.
Enjoy your reading!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Posted by clim at 11:18 PM 2 comments
Labels: About Work | 职场博弈
Posted by clim at 11:03 PM 2 comments
Labels: About Love | 情爱天空, My Little Pieces | 心路文影
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Posted by clim at 1:36 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
Posted by clim at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Life | 寻梦之路
Posted by clim at 1:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Society | 世事人情
Posted by clim at 1:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: Family N Friends | 家园馨卉, My Little Pieces | 心路文影, My Memories | 往风淡忆
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Posted by clim at 11:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Work | 职场博弈
The shackles of fear
Driven by fear to be accountable and laziness to absorb responsibility, some people master vast range of skills which include evading, reflection and so on. They would never bother to do hands on , like to hands off everything and yet fighting hard to justify their salary.
Posted by clim at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Psi | 精神世界, About Work | 职场博弈
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
It is easy to have the whole world to embrace a common set of values and principles. Be good, be nice, be fair, be just, bla bla bla. But it is never easy, or perhaps impossible, to have all of us rationalize and react the same way when principles CLASH against each other.
There are million of circumstances where principle A yields to principle B, and another million of circumstances where principle B yields to principle A. The world is never as simple as it is, or perhaps it makes more sense to put it this way, the world still exists and continues to evolve because it is complex and diversified.
When you realizes this, you starts to feel bored when people keep yelling and shouting for "justice", "freedom", "rights" while spend virtually no time on laying the groundwork of essential knowledge and working on the details of possible directions. Simply hijackers of ideologies and fanatic followers of Utopia where everything is as easy as the simple math: 1+1=2.
Just like any other arenas in life, you could draw enormous attentions when you talk loud and big, but if this is the only thing you could do, expect a immediate backfire and downfall. Words, reveal.
Don't just talk loud, talk how. The world will not move forward even all of us share the same set of values. Such rigidity, is too simple to attain and offers no worth. Flexibility and details in dealing with every occasions, are what really matter.
Posted by clim at 11:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Ideology | 理念思考, About Logical Thinking | 逻辑思维
Pessi vs Opti
A person who is too pessimistic, perhaps haven't been through some of the magical moments of life and tasted its sweetness. A person who is too optimistic, perhaps haven't seen or felt most of the tragedies and melancholies. Nobody can be purely pessimistic or optimistic, and hence you would always wonder, how would a pessimist carries on his or her life, and how would a optimist lives when he or she finally has to face some of the musics.
A little sense of pessimism keep us alert, while a little sense of optimism keep us alive. Roller coaster of emotions, again.
Posted by clim at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Psi | 精神世界
Monday, September 21, 2009
Emotional fuel
Any emotions could be barriers that undermine progress, or be converted to fuels that power up life.
Posted by clim at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Psi | 精神世界, My Quotes | 智言通箴
Posted by clim at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Quotes | 智言通箴
Friday, September 18, 2009
Posted by clim at 11:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Ideology | 理念思考, About Logical Thinking | 逻辑思维
There are two situations that resemble the perfect balance state, one is not knowing everything and hence yields no preference, no likes and no dislikes, and hence does not pro or anti. The other is having been through both extreme ends and hence choose to move closer to the middle.
Posted by clim at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Ideology | 理念思考, About Life | 寻梦之路
Posted by clim at 10:52 PM 0 comments
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Posted by clim at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Posted by clim at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Life | 寻梦之路
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Posted by clim at 12:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Little Pieces | 心路文影
Monday, September 14, 2009
Posted by clim at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Emotions | 情绪小室
Posted by clim at 5:45 PM 2 comments
Labels: About Society | 世事人情
Saturday, September 12, 2009
上个星期一口气在Page One的清仓销售买了八本书,其中有六本是社会学通识读本,书名各为民主、自由主义、资本主义、福利、主权和东方主义。或许是我比较无聊,喜欢阅读“干燥乏味”的书籍,但说实在的,这些通识读本,比尽是公式的工程课本好啃得多,而且当中的资讯和知识与切身利益和生活的大环境息息相关,比商业媒体重复卖弄的喧嚣有内涵的多,其实大多数人应该感兴趣才对。
Posted by clim at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Posted by clim at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Logical Thinking | 逻辑思维
<转载> 中国汉字是抄袭日本的吗?
说起“日货”,通常是指日产的汽车、家电等。而当代汉语中也存在着“日货”,占到了当代中国汉语的70%以上(社会和文科学方面)。 属于外来语的日本汉语,对中国当代文化起着巨大的作用。 我们用老祖宗造的字,组成日本独创的词,普遍应用在日常生活里,说明一个事实:“汉语”已经成为汉文化圈共享的历史文明。 这些外来词汇只是现代化的骨架,并不是现代化的灵魂。有了现代化的骨架,却还没有足够的现代化的血肉,骨骼够大,但是营养不良,当代文化的窘境大概就在于此。解决窘境之路,不在于更换“骨架”,而在于锲而不舍地为当下的文化重建,补充现代人文的“营养”。 无处不在的日本汉语 我们看娱乐新闻,有一条说,小沈阳参加春晚之后,人气大涨;还有一条说,田亮拍了南非性感狂野写真。“人气”和“写真”这两个词,我们已经耳熟能详,司空见惯,可是,很少人知道,这两个词是不折不扣的外来词,是源自日本汉语的两个词。 我们再看看下面来自日本汉语的几个词: 1.解读,分析解说某项政策、观点、理论。比如,解读政策,解读谜团,解读**** 2.新锐,在某一领域新出现的有影响力的人、产品,比如,新锐人物,新锐导演,新锐汽车…… 3.职场,工作的场所,比如,职场人生,职场技巧,职场人物…… 4.新人类,新人,新出现的人物,比如,常常形容90后的孩子是新人类。 5.视点,评论人的立场和观点,比如,专家视点 6.亲子,父母的孩子,比如,亲子课堂 7.达人,艺术、手艺、学术方面的大师。 8.放送,播放。比如,影视金曲大放送,新歌大放送 9.完败,以大比分,或者以明显劣势而输给对手。比如,北京国安队完败于上海申花队。 10.完胜,以大比分,或者以明显劣势而取胜对手。比如,北京国安队完胜于上海申花队。 11.上位,成熟,上路的意思,比如,他已经上位了。 12.点滴,输液的意思。 13.量贩,大量销售商品。比如,量贩式KTV,量贩式超市。 还有一些常用词汇,都来源于日本汉语,比如: 健康、卫生、衬衣、宠儿、乘客、储蓄、反感、化妆品、接吻、紧张、批评、企业、气氛、人格、肉弹、升华、生产、体育、通货膨胀、通货收缩、同情、统计、文化、文明、文学、时间、劳动、服务、白血病、鼻翼、剥离、大气污染、关节炎、抗体、麻醉药、牵引、弱视、色盲、糖尿病、听力、血压、…… 除了词汇之外,还有一些用法,也深深影响着我们的日常表达,比如 1.超…… 超强,超豪华,超爽,超动人 2.准…… 准新娘,准新郎,准妈妈,准爸爸 3.真…… 真英雄,真好汉,真男儿,比如,他是一个真男人! 4.无某某之必要 比如,无解释的必要 在文章最后,还附录了一批常用的日本汉语词汇,这些词汇对当代中国人的生活影响太大了。 用老祖宗的字,写外国人的词 这些深入中国老百姓生活的外来词,或是日本独创的词,或是改造了中国原有的旧词,独创了新的含义,比如,博士,今天大学培养出的博士,就是来自于日本汉语,是日本独创的新义,而并不是传统中文的博士之意。我们今天用的也是日本意义的“博士”。 日本汉语影响现代中国,有4个主要特点: 1.范围大,程度深 70%多的人文学科和社会生活用词,都是源于日本汉语。如果,我们不用这些外来词,我们几乎张不开口,说不成整句,甚至可以说,会影响我们的语义表达。 2.进入了人文学科的话语体系 在人文学科之中,大量的日本汉语词汇进入了学科的话语体系,比如,历史学科的“历史学”名称,就是日本汉语词汇。涉及到法律、社会学、哲学、政治学、历史学,大量的概念话语,都是日本汉语构造的,比如,我们熟知的“文化”这个词。 3.有力地推动了中国的现代化 中国的近代化和现代化,在文化层面上,日本汉语的贡献居功至伟,中国知识分子借用日本汉语现成的词汇,能够方便、快捷地展开研究,有力地推动了“西学”在中国的传播,大大推动了思想启蒙,这对中国近代化和现代化进程起到了巨大的推动作用。 值得一提的是,在晚清民初,中国本土的知识分子也大量翻译了西方现代自然科学和人文科学的名词,可是,让人惊讶的是,这些本土的翻译词汇和日本汉语的词汇一PK,相同的翻译词汇,大都是本土词汇完败。 4.外来词在中国已渐渐行成“传统” 从国别上来讲,日本汉语影响中国,当然是日本的汉文化“倒流”中国,近百年来,我们中国人长期使用,很多人都忘记了自己脱口而出的词汇是外来词,“时间”这个词,又有多少人会意识到这是外来词呢?渐渐地成了当代汉语的“新传统”。 是“倒流”华夏,不是文化入侵 很久以来,对日本汉语影响当代中国的文化事实,有的人比较忌讳,还有的人甚至称之为“文化入侵”,更有甚者,称之为“汉语的灾难”,这些都是站在狭隘的文化立场上。 汉语,是汉文化圈所共享的历史文明,中世纪时期,中国汉语深刻影响了日本、韩国和越南等国家,到了近代,日本汉语大举登陆,“倒流”华夏,反过来又从思想上推动了中国的现代化。这就是文化融合的典型个案。 有的朋友说,能不能全部抛弃这些日本汉语,重新弄一套中国汉语的词汇,我认为这不并不现实,而且毫无必要。文化交流从来都是双向的,我们使用大量的外来词语,只会为我们自己的现代化所用。 我们应该清楚地明白,这些外来词汇只是现代化的框架,并不是现代化的内容,只是西学的骨架,并不是西学的灵魂,真正值得我们反思的是,我们走上了“西学”的道路,可在人文学科建设上并不尽如人意。有多少人拿着“文化”这个词,去做伪文化的事情,用着“文明”这个词,在演绎着伪文明。 有了现代化的骨架,却还没有足够的现代化的血肉,骨骼够大,但是营养不良,当代文化的窘境大概就在于此。解决窘境之路,不在于更换“骨架”,而在于锲而不舍地为当下的文化重建,补充现代人文的“营养”。 (文/裴钰)
Posted by clim at 5:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Posted by clim at 11:53 PM 0 comments
Glory Glory Glory
while some people sacrifice themselves to safeguard others' peace.
If at peace, what we could see and seek is only the glamorous glory,
then we could either die seeking it, or be sacrificed without even knowing it.
Glory, is only the topping of humanities.
If it becomes the main course, soon we will be devoured by it instead of devouring it.
Posted by clim at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Labels: About Ideology | 理念思考
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A storming day
Seldom has he used word "important" in email. Never has he called for a team meeting at 5PM, a time that is so close to the end of the day. And when he did for the first time, it is also his last time.
Out of the blue, all of us were stunned. It is the least expected event that could be described as "important". In fact, it is the most important event ever. Clouds soon roamed around everyone's head.
It must have taken him a lot of courage to make this decision and assume risks afterward. After 16 years of serving, at his mid forties where most of the people would prefer to stick to the comfort zone, he vigorously set out to sail into an unknown sea, to set up his own business, to do something that he really wants to do. This alone draws much admiration from colleagues of similar age.
If that is what he seeks to do for a long time instead, then perhaps it connotes something about what he has been doing for the past few years. Without much exchange of words, all of us reach the same level of understanding of the background, aside from the immediate feeling and confusion for all sorts of uncertainties that lay ahead.
But we could only laugh, as we all know that he leaves for his own good. Principal from the other came over to express his incomprehension of our seemingly joyous air, only to figure out that it's a very thin layer of air that serves as a temporary remedy. We all know what happened, and what will happened. A bomb has been dropped, and soon we will be exposed to storms.
Though we occasionally bemoan about some of his actions and decisions, and grumble about his lack of guidance, but given circumstances that he has to handle, perhaps he has given his best to let everyone of us has our own room to breathe and work. This alone deserves a lot of respects from us, as he at least has given us respects to do things. You may ask, isn't it a simple thing to do? Perhaps it is but unfortunately I rarely see it happens. How many of us can resist throwing temper under piling pressure? How many of us can resist using insensible arguments and pressing angers to bulldoze all the way, just to get our goals achieved?
But one could only do so much, for a limited period of time. Everyone of us is in charge of our own direction. Storms, will definitely come. We have no choice but to bite the bullet and move on.
Just that none of us has expected this storming day. Neither do I have expected that my manager will leave before me. It certainly stirs up the rest of my colleagues' mind, but makes me more firm on my soon-to-be departure.
Posted by clim at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Work | 职场博弈
Friday, September 4, 2009
Posted by clim at 10:44 PM 2 comments
Labels: My Memories | 往风淡忆
Posted by clim at 8:53 PM 0 comments
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Life Path
Somehow we wish to choose the life path less taken, but in a leaning world that is becoming more concentrated and congested, this path that we happily presume may be a false notion when we walk along it, but it doesn't matter, as long as it is new and unexplored to us, we will definitely find discoveries that would become useful and meet surprises that would become memorable.
So perhaps there isn't a less taken path, unless we become statistics freak. Perhaps being less taken or not is just not important, because by taking that path may not necessarily make us a better person. Improvement does not come from mere comparison with others, but is measured against past selves.
We may have thousands of companies walking along the same path at one moment, then we make turn, and have another millions of people going on the same direction at another moment. Every path is crowded, but no path is cloned.
And so everyone is unique, because everyone has their own life path. The more diverse our life path becomes, the more dynamic our life becomes.
Posted by clim at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: About Life | 寻梦之路
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Posted by clim at 9:40 PM 2 comments
Labels: About Work | 职场博弈, My Emotions | 情绪小室
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Posted by clim at 4:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Emotions | 情绪小室